
The oldest origins of Saint Death.

The oldest origins of Saint Death.

The cult to Saint Death has existed in Mexico for more than 3,000 years now. The oldest civilizations in Mexico would worship Saint Death, like an everyday and necessary duty. They belived this was something normal that would happen to anyone at any given time, this was nature. They thought as a stage, like the day and night, like spring and winter, something necessary in order to have a balance in the world, so it was death and life. 

They started to represent life and death in humanoid figurines, which were half skeleton and half normal. By this they would symbolize the everyday duality on which we life. They would propose this that life and death was nothing to be afraid of, but something we take part everyday. As those figures were carved and made, the worship to Saint Death began. This cult develops fast into all the cultures of what is now Mexico, Central and South America. Saint Death had believer from many cultures, like Mayans, Zapotecs,  Mixtecs, Totonacs, Aztecs and many more. This cult would pass from generation to generation for hundreds and hundreds of years. 

Until Spaniards came and found this cult to be evil and dumb. Then the decline of this cult started to happen. Anyone found to worship this being, would be subject to dead penalty and excommunication. Many kept the cult under ground and sometimes even just personal. Until recent times, Saint Death is regaining ground between the most powerful beings of the human religion.

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