
Saith Death and the meaning of the colors for the candle.

Black: This color is used for meditation, strong black spells, spell breakers; like negative forces.

Blue: Magic that implies honor, loyalty, peace, truth, wisdom, protection, astral projection  and also favorite to use when you need to contact the spiritual world.

Brown: This color is used to find lost objects, to better the concentration and telepathy  Protection of family members and pets.

Gold: This color is used for spells to bring cosmic powers and rituals to honor light spirits. For health, success and fortune.

Gray: This color is used to destroy negative forces.

Green: This color is used to increase fertility, success, good luck, prosperity, money, youth, ambition. Also for rituals to fight against envy and jealousy. Helps to find new jobs and helps on financial security, helps on new friendships and reinforce social circles that we already have.

Orange: This color is used to stimulate energy, sexual activity and the materialistic love.

Pink: This color is used to bring love and rituals that are to bring friendship and feminine energies.

Purple: This color is used to bring psychic energies, healing and spells about power, success, independence and home protection.

Red: This color is used to bring fertility, aphrodisiac work, spells that help with the passion, love,
health, physical power, vengeance, rant, power of will, braveness and magnetism.

Silver: This color is used for spells and rituals that are used to destroy bad energies, to bring stability  attract beneficial forces. Helps against envy, rumors, gossip and  the evil eye.

White: This color is used for consecration, meditation, exorcism and spells to cure, bring the truth, find peace, bring spiritual force and lunar powers. Increases knowledge and helps solve not solve cases.

Yellow: Spells related with trust, attraction, charms, and the persuasion. Increase the spiritual love and physical. Brings money and prosperity.

Violet: This color is used to cure, sleep, harmonyTransmutation of situations, feelings and emotions. 

Olive: This color is used for health, insecurity and cowardliness.

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