This novena is really powerful and I recommend to use it when you have a big problem with your partner or simply if someone you love is in a bad path. I also recommend if you are trying to attract the person that left or the one you are trying to bring to you.
If you have a picture, on the back write the name of the person you are trying to bring back or to love you and then under put the name of the person trying to get the work done.
Take the sticker or image of Saint Death and tie it forming a cross with a red lath, do this until you have left about two inches. The first night of the novena make a node, praying the prayer of Saint Death, take the picture of the person and make a node with the Saint Death image, you will do this every night of the novena.
This has to be done at a altar you make for Saint Death, alone remember you have to be patient and faith. You do this novena three times, waiting a day before you start the last one after finishing the second one. Something very important is that you should do this at late night hours so you can find the spirit of the person you are doing the work to.
My dear Saint Death of my heart, don't leave me out of your protection
and don't let (person's name) a moment alone
unsettle him at every moment y don't stop bothering him/her
so he/she is always thinking of me, I beg you from the bottom of my heart.
Spirit, body and soul of (person's name), that his/her love and desire,
fortune and everything would be mine,
for all the virtues that you have been given,
I will pass all challenges and love and affection will not be imposed.
Everything I aspire, I want or I shall plan, everything will be accomplished,
flatter me, with the virtues that God has given you, in God I believe and in you I trust.
(Pray three times Our Father)

First Day.
Saint Death: The favors you have to do for me will accomplish to defeat all difficulties because for me there is nothing impossible. There will not be any obstacles or enemy that can do damage on me, everyone will be on my side and I will be victorious en any company or business. My house will be fulfilled with fortunes, your protection and your virtues. So be it.
Pray three Our Father prayers.
Second Day.
Saint Death, my great treasure, don't leave alone at any moment, you the sacred bread and from the same you gave me, and like a powerful owner of the black mansion of the existence and the living, empress of the darkness I want you to do me the big favor of (person's name) will be on my feet, begging for love and so he/she will never leave my side again, meanwhile I need him/her. Make sure he does what he promised me. So be it.
Pray three Our Father prayers.
Third Day.
Jesus victor, you that in the cross you body was broken, break (person's name) will so she/he will be with me. In the name of the Father. If (person's name) is fierce make him/her come to me like a tame lamb, gentle like rosemary flower. Blessed Saint Death, I strongly beg you to use your titanic and colossal power that God gave you, put me in (person's name)'s heart, so his sight will not look for anyone than me, that I become everything for for him/her. Saint Death do me the favor I ask with this novena and will light a candle for you every Tuesday at midnight. So be it.
Pray three Our Father prayers.
Fourth Day.
Beloved Saint Death: I beg you with all my heart, just like God made you immortal, powerful and queen of the darkness, you will those great powers, make that (person's name) can't eat at any other table or seat any other chair than mine, make that him/her won't have peace, make him/her humble and all-in at my feet, so he/she will never leave me. So be it.
Pray three Our Father prayers.
Fifth Day.
Saint Death: All powerful and glorious, from your goodness I beg you to do me this favor as my guardian. The great and invisible mistress that you are I beg you that (person's name) won't be able to enjoy his/her trips or be with anyone else than me, that he/she won't be able to sleep if it's not by my side. So his/her sighs and thoughts are caused by me, so his/her will be dominated by me. So he/she gives me all the happiness and love I want. So be it.
Pray three Our Father prayers.
Sixth Day.
Oh great mistress full of peace! The great divine triangle of our eternal God, him put you to demand the life of all mortals, to where we all fall sooner or later, you whom don't care about riches or poverty or age, because you are just and fair with anyone, kids, elderly or young, whom you take to God's side when he asks you to. I beg you that (person's name) falls in love with me, so he won't care about the physical beauty but in the soul, make him come to me gentle, loyal, kneel to my feet. So be it.
Pray three Our Father prayers.
Seventh Day.
Saint Death immortal body, free me from all evil and with the great power only you have, make me to enjoy forever the glorious days without nights. I beg you my mistress guardian of mine, I beg you that you do these favors I ask you in this novena;(list the favors). So be it.
Pray three Our Father prayers.
Eighth Day.
Majestic and miraculous Death, I beg you that with your great power you can give (person's name)'s love. Do not let him/her be in peace or tranquility whoever he/she is with or wherever. So he/she does not know the happiness without me. If he/she is sleeping, let me the one on his/her dreams. If he/she is awake, let me be the one on his mind. And make him/her think of me at all time. So the words I tell you he, listen to them and he/she does what I ask. So be it.
Pray three Our Father prayers.
Ninth Day.
Blessed Death, guardian of mine, the virtue that God gave you, I want you to free me from all evil. dangers and sickness, make a change so I can have; Money, happiness, health and good luck. Give me friends, deliver me from enemies. Make that (person's name) come to me gentle, sweet and tamed like a flower of spring, loyal and make him fulfill his/her promises and full of love and tamed will be next to me until you take us apart. So be it.
Pray three Our Father prayers.
for all the virtues that you have been given,
I will pass all challenges and love and affection will not be imposed.
Everything I aspire, I want or I shall plan, everything will be accomplished,
flatter me, with the virtues that God has given you, in God I believe and in you I trust.
(Pray three times Our Father)

First Day.
Saint Death: The favors you have to do for me will accomplish to defeat all difficulties because for me there is nothing impossible. There will not be any obstacles or enemy that can do damage on me, everyone will be on my side and I will be victorious en any company or business. My house will be fulfilled with fortunes, your protection and your virtues. So be it.
Pray three Our Father prayers.
Second Day.
Saint Death, my great treasure, don't leave alone at any moment, you the sacred bread and from the same you gave me, and like a powerful owner of the black mansion of the existence and the living, empress of the darkness I want you to do me the big favor of (person's name) will be on my feet, begging for love and so he/she will never leave my side again, meanwhile I need him/her. Make sure he does what he promised me. So be it.
Pray three Our Father prayers.
Third Day.
Jesus victor, you that in the cross you body was broken, break (person's name) will so she/he will be with me. In the name of the Father. If (person's name) is fierce make him/her come to me like a tame lamb, gentle like rosemary flower. Blessed Saint Death, I strongly beg you to use your titanic and colossal power that God gave you, put me in (person's name)'s heart, so his sight will not look for anyone than me, that I become everything for for him/her. Saint Death do me the favor I ask with this novena and will light a candle for you every Tuesday at midnight. So be it.
Pray three Our Father prayers.
Fourth Day.
Beloved Saint Death: I beg you with all my heart, just like God made you immortal, powerful and queen of the darkness, you will those great powers, make that (person's name) can't eat at any other table or seat any other chair than mine, make that him/her won't have peace, make him/her humble and all-in at my feet, so he/she will never leave me. So be it.
Pray three Our Father prayers.
Fifth Day.
Saint Death: All powerful and glorious, from your goodness I beg you to do me this favor as my guardian. The great and invisible mistress that you are I beg you that (person's name) won't be able to enjoy his/her trips or be with anyone else than me, that he/she won't be able to sleep if it's not by my side. So his/her sighs and thoughts are caused by me, so his/her will be dominated by me. So he/she gives me all the happiness and love I want. So be it.
Pray three Our Father prayers.
Sixth Day.
Oh great mistress full of peace! The great divine triangle of our eternal God, him put you to demand the life of all mortals, to where we all fall sooner or later, you whom don't care about riches or poverty or age, because you are just and fair with anyone, kids, elderly or young, whom you take to God's side when he asks you to. I beg you that (person's name) falls in love with me, so he won't care about the physical beauty but in the soul, make him come to me gentle, loyal, kneel to my feet. So be it.
Pray three Our Father prayers.
Seventh Day.
Saint Death immortal body, free me from all evil and with the great power only you have, make me to enjoy forever the glorious days without nights. I beg you my mistress guardian of mine, I beg you that you do these favors I ask you in this novena;(list the favors). So be it.
Pray three Our Father prayers.
Eighth Day.
Majestic and miraculous Death, I beg you that with your great power you can give (person's name)'s love. Do not let him/her be in peace or tranquility whoever he/she is with or wherever. So he/she does not know the happiness without me. If he/she is sleeping, let me the one on his/her dreams. If he/she is awake, let me be the one on his mind. And make him/her think of me at all time. So the words I tell you he, listen to them and he/she does what I ask. So be it.
Pray three Our Father prayers.
Ninth Day.
Blessed Death, guardian of mine, the virtue that God gave you, I want you to free me from all evil. dangers and sickness, make a change so I can have; Money, happiness, health and good luck. Give me friends, deliver me from enemies. Make that (person's name) come to me gentle, sweet and tamed like a flower of spring, loyal and make him fulfill his/her promises and full of love and tamed will be next to me until you take us apart. So be it.
Pray three Our Father prayers.
hello is there any way that i can contact you for a question? (other than comment section) like an email?? Thank you